British Values in the Curriculum
British Values around school
British Values at St Paul's Church of England Primary School
"All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values.
Living out our Christian Vision, meeting requirements for collective worship, establishing a strong school ethos supported by effective relationships throughout the school, and providing relevant activities beyond the classroom are all ways of ensuring pupils’ SMSC development.
Pupils must be encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
It is expected that pupils should understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The school’s ethos and teaching, which schools should make parents aware of, should support the rule of English civil and criminal law and schools should not teach anything that undermines it. If schools teach about religious law, particular care should be taken to explore the relationship between state and religious law. Pupils should be made aware of the difference between the law of the land and religious law"
Promoting fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in school Department of Education November 2014
At St Paul's Primary we uphold British values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which permeates through the school’s curriculum and supports the development of the whole child. We recognise that such development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by all staff and provide a model of behaviour for our pupils. We use our Christian Vision, which has been developed by pupils, staff and governors, as a model to live out both within school and out of school .
Examples how British values are upheld at St Paul's can be found below:
Rule of Law
Responsibility and individual liberty
Mutual respect and tolerance
Across school
Christian Vision Christian values High expectations Reflection opportunities and responsibility for actions and behaviours Visits from the police, fire officers and local community Officers Attendance awards
School council elections take place across school. School council meetings Pupil questionnaires Parents questionnaires House teams Christian values Team sports Participation in competitions
Christian Vision Opportunities to take part in variety of sports and after school clubs Celebration of all achievements across school School and church Christmas fair Enterprise activities
Christian Vision Transition arrangements across school. Y6 transition to high school Foundation Stage transition into school PHSE curriculum Behaviour for learning Class and school visits
Foundation Stage / Reception
Visits from the police, fire officers and local community Officers
As across school
As across school
RE curriculum promotes an understanding of different religions Through aspects of the history curriculum. Links with pre school
Year 1
Behaviour charts Attendance rewards
School council members
Community events Charity fundraisers
As across school
Year 2
As across school
School council members
As across school
As across school
Year 3
Formulate class rules. Reflection sheets for behaviour
School council members
Stranger danger
As across school
Year 4
Formulate class rules.
Reflection sheets for behaviour
School council members
As across school
As across school
Year 5
Formulate class rules
School council members
As across school
As across school
Year 6
Online safety and cyber bulling education Formulate class rules.
School council members
Take on roles of responsibility Different coloured jumpers - role models.
As across school
Children understand and can talk about why we need to behave in school and demonstrate they can follow and understand the school and class rules
Children are able to work co-operatively in pairs and groups as well as whole class situations in all areas of the curriculum and wider aspects of school life. Children understand turn taking and respecting the views of others. Children especially in key stage 2 are more able to respect the views of others and use appropriate language to discuss different views. Children understand the importance of using their vote to allow themselves to be heard.
Children understand the importance of accepting responsibility for their actions and of the right to be heard. Children are given opportunities to discuss aspects of school life.
Children show respect in the actions towards their peers and others members of the community. They are able to work alongside one another and in groups. The overall behaviour around school demonstrates this value in action. Children are able to talk about different faiths and cultures.