Welcome to Reception
Class Teacher: Mrs. Hollinghurst
Teaching Assistants: Mrs. McKillop
Here at St. Paul's Primary School we follow The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework. Our curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child; taking into account their interests, styles of learning and the environment in which they learn.
As a school we seek to ensure that The Early Years Foundation Stage provides children with the best possible start to their educational journey.
We have developed a curriculum that is both engaging and challenging for all. We ensure all aspects of our curriculum are scaffolded by the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning which are playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.
Our topic for this half term is 'Out Of This World'.
- This half term our PE lesson will be on a Tuesday. Your child's PE kit will remain in school throughout the term. Please ensure that earrings are not worn on PE days.
- Each Monday we will be heading to the forest for our Muddy Monday sessions. Your child's wellingtons will remain in school for the year.
- Once children have learnt some of their initial phonetic sounds they will be given 2 reading books. The first will be changed on a Friday and is a book to be shared with family members as part of our reading for pleasure initiative. The second book will be linked to your child's phonic phase and will be changed when it can be read with confidence. Please spend 5 minutes per day reading with your child and we asked that you date and sign the reading record daily.
- Homework will be sent home on a Friday and is to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Please make sure your child is here ON TIME everyday! Each week all of the children who have arrived on time everyday will be put in a draw to win hot chocolate and chat time with Mr Fielding and Mr Reidy.
Attendance and Punctuality are key in ensuring you reaches their full potential as learning begins the moment your child enters the classroom. The school gate opens at 8.45am and closes at 8:50am so please ensure you are here.
We hope that you have found this information useful. If you have any questions then please do have a chat to us or contact the school office.
Thank you for your support.
Curriculum Subject Knowledge Organisers
Click on the link below to see our knowledge organisers to view what the children will be learning about in the coming year.