Pupil Well-Being
Every member of staff is passionate about the well-being of our pupils in school and we have many different strategies in place to help children manage their well-being, their emotions and regulate their behaviour. We constantly aim to instil a love for their learning but also to ensure that their behaviours reflect the St. Paul's vision and aims. Our children have many different methods to regulate their emotions and below are just a small snippet of the things we do to help our children become well rounded and emotionally literate adults.
Some of the methods we use include; heart breathing, calm down areas, nurture groups and Lego therapy.

Every morning the children enter the class with a greeting from either their teacher or teaching assistant. The children then have a pebble to put into a regulation station pot, if any child is feeling angry or emotional the staff in the class will meet with the child to discuss their emotions and what has made them feel that way. This enables the children to regulate and be ready for their learning.