School Results
End of Key Stage Two Results July 2023
Percentage of Pupils Reaching the Expected Standard or Above
Reading - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 71% In Line with National Averages
Reading - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 25% In Line with National Averages
Writing - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 58%
Writing - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 4%
Maths - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 75% In Line with National Averages
Maths - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 17%
GPS - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 83% Above National Averages
GPS - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 25% In Line with National Averages
Combined Reading/Writing/Maths 54% In Line with National Averages
Average progress scores
Reading +2.7
Writing +0.8
Maths +4.6
End of Key Stage Two Results July 2022
Percentage of Pupils Reaching the Expected Standard or Above
Reading - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 85% Above National Averages
Reading - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 25% In Line with National Averages
Writing - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 55% In Line with National Averages
Writing - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 0%
Maths - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 80% Above National Averages
Maths - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 20% In Line with National Averages
GPS - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 90 % Above National Averages
GPS - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 30% In Line with National Averages
Combined Reading/Writing/Maths 55% In Line with National Averages
Average progress scores
Reading +2.29
Writing -1.89
Maths +2.83
"...Pupils enjoy their learning. They work hard and achieve well across many subjects. Leaders and staff have high expectations for all pupils in the school..." OFSTED Report, Sep 2021
End of Key Stage Two Results July 2019
Percentage of Pupils Reaching the Expected Standard or Above
Reading - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 71% In Line with National Averages
Reading - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 24% In Line with National Averages
Writing - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 67%
Writing - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 0%
Maths - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 71% In Line with National Averages
Maths - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 24% In Line with National Averages
GPS - Pupils Reaching Expected Standard 76% In Line with National Averages
GPS - Pupils Working at Greater Depth 52% Well Above National Averages
Combined Reading/Writing/Maths 62% In Line with National Averages
Average progress scores
Reading +2.9
Writing -0.6
Maths +0.3
Average Scaled Scores
Reading 104 In Line with National Averages
Maths 103