Year 3
All about Year 3
Class Teacher: Miss Todd is currently covering Mrs Hildersley whilst on maternity leave.
1:1 Support: Miss Bellew
Tuesday afternoons will be covered by Mrs Woodward and part of Wednesday afternoons will be covered by Miss Baines.
Every Thursday morning Year 3 will be taking part in swimming lessons. Please ensure your child comes to school with their swimming kits these should include:
-Swim cap (these can be purchased at the school office)
-Swim shorts for boys
-Full swimming costume for girls/full burkini with costume underneath
-Drawstring bag/carrier bag
The swimming teachers are reluctant to let children participate in swimming lessons if they do not bring a swim cap, so please ensure children have them every week.
Attendance and Punctuality are key in ensuring you reach your full potential. Remember, every week the children who have had full attendance are in with a chance of winning a delicious hot chocolate. The school gate opens at 8.45 and closes at 8:50 so please ensure you are here.
Weekly Reminders
- P.E this half term is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Your child's PE kit should remain in school throughout the half term. Please ensure earrings are not worn on PE days.
- Homework is given out on Fridays and must be returned the following Wednesday.
- Spellings are given out on Fridays and a spelling test will be given the following Friday.
- Reading books will be expected to be changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday if finished and the reading record is signed. There is an expectation that all children read at least three times a week at home, ideally every day.
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Curriculum Subject Knowledge Organisers
Click on the link below to see our knowledge organisers to view what the children will be learning about in the coming year.